If you are located in Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia:
Your order will ship on one of our local delivery trucks. Your order will be dropped to the nearest paved surface accessible to our truck. If there are low hanging tree limbs or power lines, this limits the delivery to the street. You will need to be present for your delivery. You will be responsible for taking your order inside. We will contact you the day prior to delivery to confirm the time.
For other areas:
If your order is small, it will be shipped by Fedex Home or Ground. We will send you tracking information by email.
Larger orders will be shipped by trucking company. Orders will be shipped on a large truck with a liftgate. The pallet will be unloaded from the truck onto the closest paved surface accessible to the truck. You will need to be present for the delivery. The order must be inspected before the trucking company leaves. If there is any damage, it must be marked on the trucking company's paperwork.